I’m a design manager, content creator, and pixel lover in the Bay Area.

I currently spend my time leading teams at Dropbox.

portait of Carola looking directly in the camera with bright lime green light lighting one side of her face.

2021 — Dropbox

Organize Area

Leading teams designing a new way for people to organize, retrieve and understand content in Dropbox.
Think… flexible containers, suggestions and automation with a flare of video ✨

Profile page.png

2019 — Dropbox

People Experience

Developed the first ever concept of profiles on Dropbox. By better representing people and teams, we were able to unlock new ways of retrieving and accessing content.


2018 — Dropbox

Assistant Tray

Evolved the existing menu bar app into a ML-backed intelligent companion. Assistant was launched at Dropbox’s user conference together with the launch of the Dropbox desktop app. It featured a calendar card and suggested files and folders.

 Words — written and spoken

Dropbox Design Blog — Accessibility: more than contrast ratio

Dropbox Design Blog —
Accessibility: more than contrast ratio

Figma Meetup — Accessible Design

Figma Meetup —
Accessible Design

Beer & UX Meetup — Accessible Design

Beer & UX Meetup —
Accessible Design

LinkedIn UX Night — Optimize your user research

LinkedIn UX Night —
Optimize your user research

Dropbox — Internal presentations

Dropbox —
Internal presentations

 After work
